Many emerging fund managers find that large anchor investors request economics in their general partnership or management company. To help guide that negotiation, here’s a template of an opening letter to a potential anchor investor, laying out all your deal structuring options. You may find helpful a piece from Techcrunch on Should you give an Anchor investor a stake in your fund’s management company?, which provides some indicative benchmarks.  

Note this can get very complex.  Competent counsel is critical.

Dear potential anchor investor,

As we discussed, I prepared a rough outline of a proposed partnership between us. 

We see several different “currencies” with which we can compensate you for writing us a material check, and by which you can help us launch.  Note that in some of the structures below, the Anchor has a financial incentive to help the Startup GP in raising assets. 

Anchor Investor currency choices:

Startup Emerging Manager currency choices:

Initial Proposal

I’m very happy to think creatively about different structures and numbers. That said, out of the menu of options above, my initial proposal that I think is fair to both parties is _____

Next steps

When are convenient times to meet to discuss?

 Further reading

Caveat: I’m not a lawyer; this is not legal advice.

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